Hario V60 Brew Guide – how to Make Pour-Over Coffee

The Hario V60 is one of the great tools to make manual pour over coffee. Any coffee enthusiast should, in my opinion, dive into pour over coffee at some point. The experience and taste are on a different level than say an espresso. Pour-over coffee is rich, but delicate and can bring out the best in your precious specialty coffee beans. This is the Monsieur Coffee Hario V60 Brew Guide!

In this article, I will explain the best basic methods for making great pour over
coffee. I will explain what equipment you’ll need, which factors influence the
taste of the final product, and how you can experiment. Soon you will be making the best Hario V60 pour over coffee at home!

what is A Hario V60 or manual pour over Coffee maker?

You might not have thought this, but a lot of the coffee gear you’ll see at a coffee bar that is used to make pour-over coffees originates in Japan. Yes, Japan. Not Italy, not the U.S., but Japan. The same goes for the Hario V60, which is manufactured by the Japanse heatproof glassware giant Hario. Hario, which means King of Glass (nothing subtle about that, right?), had plans for the Hario V60 cone in the early eighties. But it took until 2004 before they released its reinvented brother and had tremendous success. 

Hario V60 in action in Kyoto

The Hario V60 is a glass or ceramic cone that is placed, loaded with a filter and coffee, on a receiving vessel (a mug or carafe). The cone differs from the plastic ones that have been around for ages, not only in the material that is used. What makes the Hario V60 special is the shape of the cone with its 60-degree angles and the ribbed interior which helps the water flow.

Nowadays, the Hario V60 is one of the favorite coffee makes with slow coffee baristas around the world. Many companies copied or tried to copy the Hario V60, but to be honest, the Hario V60 is still the best. You can save a couple of bucks and buy a cheaper knock-off, but you are better of buying the real deal. And they aren’t that expensive. As a matter of fact, they are cheap compared to other coffee makers. Especially compares to single-serve coffee makers or espresso machines.

What do you need to make Hario V60 manual pour over coffee?

To make pour-over coffee by hand, there are a couple of things you need. First, you’ll need a pour over cone. 

As said, in my opinion, you are best of buying a Hario pour over cone. The precision with which the V60 cones are manufactured, their durability, and their superior design make them the best value for your money. Don’t buy a knock off. But, if the Hario V60 isn’t you cup of tea (pun intended), a Kalita Wave is also fantastic for making pour over coffee.

Choosing a Hario V60 pour-over cone

The Hario V60 comes four different materials (plastic, ceramic, glass, and metal), and three sizes. Each version comes in a small number of colors including transparent, white, red, pink, copper and metal-colored. The smallest cone can produce 1-2 cups of coffee, the medium sized 1-4 cups, and the largest V60 1-6 cups. 

My advice is simple: go for the size 02 (medium) ceramic Hario V60. Unless you are making coffee for a large group of people, the size 02 will do. The size 01 (small) is enough to make one mug, but it feels crowded while brewing. Even when you’re making only one cup. 

And my choice for the material is the ceramic version. It is made of Japanese Arita-yaki porcelain. One of the highest quality porcelains in the world. Excellent heat retention and it is beautifully made.

Hario V60 Size 01

Capacity: 1 - 2 cups

Hario V60 Size 02

Capacity: 1 - 4 cups

Hario V60 Size 03

Capacity: 1 - 6 cups

Coffee, Filters, Kettle, & Scales

Besides the Hario V60 cone, you’ll need a couple of things to start making a pour over coffee. You’ll need your preferred coffee, the original Hario V60 filters (believe me, you don’t want a knock off), put water in the kettle an set up your scales.

Coffee and filter are obvious. But kitchen scales might not be. They are optional, but for repeatable results I highly recommend them. You can weigh both your water and your coffee. This allows you to repeat the optimal coffee to water ratio when you find it, and it will allow you to record your experiments with a little more (or less) coffee or a little more (or less) water. You’ll have far more control when weighing water and coffee instead of using a scoop for the coffee and a measuring cup for the water.

Let’s also talk a bit about the kettle. Basically, any kettle will do. Electric or stove top, it doesn’t matter. But if you really want to up your game, you might want to consider a gooseneck kettle. The biggest advantage of a gooseneck kettle is that you have far more control over the water flow. Which is a big advantage when making pour over coffee. Gooseneck kettles come in either a stovetop or electric version. The best also come with some sort of temperature control to achieve the ideal water temperature for making coffee. 

Hario v60 brew Guide

Now, let’s get into brewing some coffee!

There are a gazillion ways to brew pour-over coffee. I suggest you start with this simple method as a basic way to get started. After you’ve mastered this one, you can branch out and try more exotic techniques.

Pouring Hario V60 Coffee

Grind Size for Hario V60 Manual Pour-Over Coffee

For this Hario V60 manual pour over brew method, you are looking for medium-fine grind size. Kosher salt or coarse sand is the best real world comparison. If your own a Baratza electric grinder, use grind setting #14. It is quite difficult to convey a grind size through text, so take a good look at the image.

The grind size is especially important with pour-over coffee because it influences total extraction time.

Medium Fine Coffee Grind

When the grind size is coarse, the water will flow through faster. When the grind size is finer, the water will flow through slower.

You can use this to influence the taste of the final brew. If you think the brew is too weak and your brew time is on the short side (less than 3 minutes) you can use a fine grind the next time. If you think your coffee is too bitter and your brew time is on the long side (longer than 3 minutes), you can use a coarser grind the next time.

For now, stick with the kosher salt-sized grind. 

Coffee to water ratio for Hario V60 manual pour over coffee

The balance between the amount of coffee and water used in the brewing process is the big question in any brew guide. The ratio of coffee to water, the size of the grind and the time that the water is in contact with the coffee determines the extraction. Over-extraction leads to a really bitter coffee. Under-extraction leads to coffee that is too sour or even salty.

The golden ratio is the ideal coffee to water ratio. No under or over extraction, a perfectly balanced cup. The Specialty Coffee Association of America (the SCAA) has published a golden ratio of 55 grams (plus or minus 10% depending on the type of coffee and the roast) of coffee per liter of water.

This is all really nice, but what is right for a pour-over coffee? The golden ratio for the Hario V60 depends on the specific characteristics of the ‘device.’

So, let’s cut to the chase. The ideal coffee to water ratio for most people using a Hario V60 lies somewhere between 1:12 and 1:17. This means that when using enough water for a good mug of coffee (12oz or 350 ml) you use the following ratios:

Hario V60 Pour over Coffee To Water Ratio's In Ounces

Hario V60 Pour over Coffee To Water Ratio's In grams and milliliters

Step-by-step hario v60 brew Guide

Step 1: rinse the filter and pre-heat the cone

When your coffee is ground, and the water is heated, it’s finally time to make some coffee. The first thing you do is, to put the filter in the cone and wet it with the hot water. This washes out the paper taste and pre-heats the cone and the mug beneath it.

Rinse the Hario V60 Filter

Step 2: add coffee and bloom

Next, pour in the ground coffee and shake the pour-over cone to level the bed of coffee. This allows for an even pour and better extraction. 

Next up, the bloom. 

The bloom allows carbon dioxide that got trapped in the beans during the roasting process to disperse, and it allows for a nice even saturation during the rest of the brew time.

 For the bloom slowly pour twice the amount of water that you have coffee. For example, when you use the 1:12 ratio from the table above, pour 56 grams or 2 ounces of water on your 28 grams or 1 ounce of coffee.

Be sure to pour slowly in a circular motion, working your way outwards from the center. But do not pour directly on the sides of the filter (this will run through without touching any coffee)! You should start your timer at the moment you start pouring. Wait for the one minute mark. 

Step 3: pour in the rest of the water gradually

After the bloom (at the one minute mark) pour in the rest of the water in three stages of 70 – 100 grams each. After each pour wait for the water to run through but never allow the ground to surface. 

This means that you need to really pay attention and start your next pour right before the water drains enough for to coffee grounds to become visible.

Step 4: wait for the water to go through

After the final pour, wait for the three-minute mark. At this point, most of the water should have drained into the cup. If it hasn’t your grind is probably too fine. If it hasn’t drained completely wait for 30 seconds more and then remove the cone from the cup to prevent over-extraction.

If the water drains far before the three-minute mark, your grind is probably too coarse. Taste the coffee to confirm this. If it tastes weak or tangy, try again with a finer grind.

Step 5: enjoy!

My advice is to start with the basic brew method described in this Hario V60 Brew Guide. Get a good feeling for the pouring technique and find out how the coffee tastes with your favorite beans. 

When you have found the optimal coffee to water ratio for your perfect cup, and when you feel adventurous, you’ll love the next part.

Alternative Hario V60 Brew Guides and Pour over methods

My advice is to start with the basic brew method described above. Get a good feeling for the pouring technique and find out how the coffee tastes with your favorite beans. 

When you have found the optimal coffee to water ratio for your perfect cup, and when you feel adventurous, you’ll love the next part.

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Testu Kasuya 4:6 Hario V60 Brew Method

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So there you have it. All you need to know to make great coffee with your Hario V60 coffee cone. I hope this Hario V60 Brew Guide helps you make that ultimate cup of coffee at home.

Let the java flow!


Monsieur Coffee

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